
Hello, I have autism which includes sensory sensitivities, including sensitivity to smell.  When my spouse and I visited Lotusland botanic garden this summer, one of the other guests on a tour was wearing perfume.  I was angry because I was there to experience a place.  Plants and the earth have a distinctive smell that I… Continue reading smells

let’s go

Ming at the rose garden! Asian-American non-binary person grins with some plant life in the background.

“What would you have done, if I’d started screaming at those people at the park?” I asked Ming.  He was driving, and I was passenging.  I’d just been sensory and socially freaked out by inconsiderate party goers at the park.  “Would you have said, ‘Let’s go,’ and moved us out of there?” “No,” Ming said. … Continue reading let’s go

why I’m self-diagnosed

Hello, I’m Laura-Marie.  I want to explain why I’m self-diagnosed as autistic, how that feels, and how it affects my life. what autism is I didn’t know until recently what autism even is.  I’d heard of it as a super-male brain with social cluelessness and awkwardness, lack of empathy, and being out of touch with… Continue reading why I’m self-diagnosed