so you have a kid with autism

Hello, reader.  My spouse Ming has a friend whose kid was recently diagnosed with autism.  To celebrate Ming’s birthday, we were on a hike in the forest.  I mentioned how I’d had my limit, and Ming’s friend told me that it impresses him, how I know myself and can express when I’ve had enough.  He… Continue reading so you have a kid with autism

autism and touch

Hello, I was excited to read this post by one of my favorite instgrammers neurodivergent_lou.  I felt very validated to hear another autistic person talk about autism and touch. Yes, there’s a stereotype that people with autism don’t like touch.  But issues with touch can play out in many ways.  In fact I love… Continue reading autism and touch

Designing for every user – Neurodiversity in the workplace

Hello, how are you doing?  My spouse Ming and I recently watched a zoom called Designing for every user – Neurodiversity in the workplace.  That bright art glass pic is a screenshot of the scientist presenter’s website.  I saw something about the free zoom on eventbright.  Sounded great. I don’t have a workplace or plan… Continue reading Designing for every user – Neurodiversity in the workplace


Hello, I have autism which includes sensory sensitivities, including sensitivity to smell.  When my spouse and I visited Lotusland botanic garden this summer, one of the other guests on a tour was wearing perfume.  I was angry because I was there to experience a place.  Plants and the earth have a distinctive smell that I… Continue reading smells

soldering irons

Boxes are open and materials are being packed into them, chaotic indoor scene with bare bulletin boards.

I was looking for info on soldering irons to share with a friend.  She came over to help me pack for an hour (I’m moving) and asked, “What’s this thing?” “It’s a soldering iron!” I said. “What’s it do?” she asked. “It melts a little bit of metal, to join things together.  It’s kind of… Continue reading soldering irons