so you have a kid with autism

Hello, reader.  My spouse Ming has a friend whose kid was recently diagnosed with autism.  To celebrate Ming’s birthday, we were on a hike in the forest.  I mentioned how I’d had my limit, and Ming’s friend told me that it impresses him, how I know myself and can express when I’ve had enough.  He… Continue reading so you have a kid with autism

letter to my spouse

Hello, readers.  Thought you might enjoy this letter to my spouse Ming. It’s part of an email I sent him this morning. It’s about emotions in our mini-family lately, and how autism is part of the struggle. Today is my mom’s birthday, and I’m crying a lot because I miss her. Unexpressed intense grief can… Continue reading letter to my spouse

do all autistic people love Amelia Bedelia?

Oh hey, how are you doing?  Just wondering: do all autistic people love Amelia Bedelia?  Do you know those children’s books by Peggy Parish?  The whole deal is Amelia Bedelia is very literal minded. Some say people with autism such as myself are also literal minded.  Yes, I can understand figures of speech pretty well,… Continue reading do all autistic people love Amelia Bedelia?


Two colorful stickers homemade read You Matter in a graffiti style font. Art by Laura-Marie-- sharpie on craft paint on reclaimed shipping stickers.

Would you like to write an essay / blog post for this i like your stims website?  This is your invitation.  Please consider what you have to share about autistic liberation, neurodivergence, health, meeting the needs of people with social differences and sensory differences, resources you enjoy, your own experiences, ideas, tips. possible topic ideas… Continue reading invitation

disabled comedy

all bodies are valid bodies

Hello!  I watched this stand up comedy by Josh Blue, a person who has cerebral palsy.  I liked the jokes about disability best.  And the jokes about homelessness.  Seems important to laugh about these serious concepts, to transform shame and silence into joyful insight. I had a good friend when I was young who has… Continue reading disabled comedy

let’s go

Ming at the rose garden! Asian-American non-binary person grins with some plant life in the background.

“What would you have done, if I’d started screaming at those people at the park?” I asked Ming.  He was driving, and I was passenging.  I’d just been sensory and socially freaked out by inconsiderate party goers at the park.  “Would you have said, ‘Let’s go,’ and moved us out of there?” “No,” Ming said. … Continue reading let’s go