This is a letter to myself about autistic forgiveness, and how I’m ok. Dear Laura-Marie, I love you unconditionally, and you matter to me. Thank you for being who you are. Your senses are good. That you feel your senses at an 8 out of 10 as baseline, while most people feel their senses at… Continue reading autistic forgiveness
Tag: feelings
travel while autistic
Hello, an autistic writer I know of talked about a trip to Disneyland, and asked readers for tips for travel while autistic. It’s a commonality of autism that we have trouble with change. Travel is change. Travel usually means less control over our environment, so it helps to have a plan. When my spouse Ming… Continue reading travel while autistic
autism and touch
Hello, I was excited to read this post by one of my favorite instgrammers neurodivergent_lou. I felt very validated to hear another autistic person talk about autism and touch. Yes, there’s a stereotype that people with autism don’t like touch. But issues with touch can play out in many ways. In fact I love… Continue reading autism and touch
letter to my spouse
Hello, readers. Thought you might enjoy this letter to my spouse Ming. It’s part of an email I sent him this morning. It’s about emotions in our mini-family lately, and how autism is part of the struggle. Today is my mom’s birthday, and I’m crying a lot because I miss her. Unexpressed intense grief can… Continue reading letter to my spouse
Hello, I have autism which includes sensory sensitivities, including sensitivity to smell. When my spouse and I visited Lotusland botanic garden this summer, one of the other guests on a tour was wearing perfume. I was angry because I was there to experience a place. Plants and the earth have a distinctive smell that I… Continue reading smells
let’s go
“What would you have done, if I’d started screaming at those people at the park?” I asked Ming. He was driving, and I was passenging. I’d just been sensory and socially freaked out by inconsiderate party goers at the park. “Would you have said, ‘Let’s go,’ and moved us out of there?” “No,” Ming said. … Continue reading let’s go
Hello, today I had a bad social and sensory experience at the park. My spouse Ming and I went out to the rose garden at Lorenzi Park here in Las Vegas. Wow, so many roses are blooming. We walked around to see the different kinds. It was beautiful and smelled delicious. Then a bunch of… Continue reading sensory