Hello, I made some stickers pertaining to this blog, I Like Your Stims. There’s a three inch round one.
And there’s a long pink bumper sticker. Very cute!
They could adorn your car, water bottle, computer, backpack, forehead, spaceship, etc.
Please email me if you would like one. You could donate toward my hosting and domain costs, or you could pay it forward. To pay it forward means you do a good deed for someone else, not the person you got something valuable from. Then there can be a new chain of good deeds into the future.
Thank you for caring about this blog and about me and my projects. I would love if I Like Your Stims became a valuable resource for many autistic people and for those who love us. The stickers are a move toward that, and they are also just for fun and strawberry power.
why do you say fuck?