headphones as assistive devices

Hello, I’ve been thinking about tools I use to survive in a world that’s not made for disabled people.  I like headphones as assistive devices. loud world For a long time, I saw wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, grabbers, hearing aids, canes, screen readers, and shower chairs as assistive devices that mattered.  It was only recently that… Continue reading headphones as assistive devices

why I’m self-diagnosed

Hello, I’m Laura-Marie.  I want to explain why I’m self-diagnosed as autistic, how that feels, and how it affects my life. what autism is I didn’t know until recently what autism even is.  I’d heard of it as a super-male brain with social cluelessness and awkwardness, lack of empathy, and being out of touch with… Continue reading why I’m self-diagnosed

I like your stims

Hello, I’m Laura-Marie. I’m working on this new website for autistic liberation. I like your stims is for all neurodivergent people, formally diagnosed and self-diagnosed. Being unconditionally valid is a great place to start. I plan to include resources for all ages of autistic people, but especially adults.  I’d also like ways to connect and… Continue reading I like your stims