do all autistic people love Amelia Bedelia?

do all autistic people love

Oh hey, how are you doing?  Just wondering: do all autistic people love Amelia Bedelia?  Do you know those children’s books by Peggy Parish?  The whole deal is Amelia Bedelia is very literal minded.

Some say people with autism such as myself are also literal minded.  Yes, I can understand figures of speech pretty well, but I can get stuck on them and can’t help but think of the literal meaning a lot.

When I was a kid I drew a cartoon labeled “news brief” that was a pair of underwear on tv speaking the news.


“Oh hey look, there’s a sign saying ‘DRAW BRIDGE.’  I guess we should pull over so we can draw the bridge,” Ming said.

“Yeah!” I said.  “Let’s do it.  We can also dress the chicken, draw the drapes, and dust the furniture.  We can Amelia Bedelia-ize everything!”

Then we laughed.  It felt good, on the long drive.

“Do all autistic people love Amelia Bedelia?” I asked.

Ming did not know.

Of course not–Ming and I are just the right kind of autistic who do language in that certain way that we think she’s hilarious, like us.  I really would like to draw a bridge also.  Making art heals me.


I hope you have good books to read, thoughts to think, people to love, and bridges to draw, dear reader.  Blessings to your journey.

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