Halloween is confusing. I liked candy as a kid. Of all the things I was supposed to like, such as board games, movies, and sports–Halloween I sort of did like. It’s a strange holiday, but I knew what I was supposed to do and did it.
I always wanted to dress up as a witch, so it’s great that I am an adult now and can be a witch full time.
The blow up plastic sculptures of nowadays seem like a waste of resources, especially the ones that use electricity to be constantly inflated. The aesthetic is not my favorite. This morning Ming and I went on a trike ride, and I was excited to see a real leaf stuck to a fake tree. Ming took a picture.
The tame scarecrow look is fine, with themes of harvest. I love harvest.
Spooky stuff is where it gets more confusing. Honestly I run paranoid, and I don’t need more things to be afraid of. Halloween is confusing because it’s a time to defy norms, but moderation is a mystery. Years ago I remember something on facebook which I found horrific– someone had put fake blood on their baby. Maybe I’m a prude, but it bothered me.
I am very concerned about health. I’m sure the parent was very concerned about health also, and could joke about it. For me, blood on a baby is not funny. Definitely I have a sense of humor, but not about that type of harm.
I love crows and ravens every day. Go team corvid! I think about ghosts all year, and every day I think about the spirits of the land here in Oregon. I’m praying for them and thanking them. I apologize for what was done to people of color here long ago, and what’s done to people of color, the poor, trees, and many animals in the name of capitalism, in modern times.
Halloween is a time to speak the unspeakable and face death. But I would prefer to face death every day, realistically, by helping people prepare emotionally and logistically. Halloween is cartoonish, but death is a big deal, and it’s real.
Many autistic people love Halloween, and I am happy for them. Please enjoy the play and costuming. I envy people who Halloween makes sense to. Maybe one day someone will explain Halloween to me in a way that makes sense. Meanwhile, I’ll just marvel and endure it.
Spring is a hard time mental health wise, and fall is too. The dramatic changing of the seasons knocks me off balance every time. Part of my struggle with Halloween might be that I’m extra out of my mind.
Blessings to all of us as the wheel turns and culture keeps changing.